Greg Stark <> writes:
> The last tuple is marked strangely I think. I don't think it's
> supposed to have XMAX_INVALID if xmax is 0 but I could be wrong. Also,
> I don't understand why it's marked as UPDATED if ctid and xmax aren't
> set.

No, that all looks right to me.  UPDATE sets HEAP_UPDATED on the newer
version of the row, not the older one.  What looks interesting to me is
that the last update isn't marked HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE, ie, it's not in the
same HOT chain.  Why is that I wonder ...

> I'm wondering if the page allvisible flag is set. The visibility map
> is one of the few 8.4 patches which impact transaction visibility.

But we don't use that while examining individual tuples, do we?

                        regards, tom lane

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