Craig Ringer, 

I tried scanning "slony1_funcs.dll" for dependencies but for some reasons it 
cannot find POSTGRES.EXE, the files is encrypted if I try to open it so I can't 
set the directory. I even tried copying POSTGRES.EXE in the lib folder where 
slony1_funcs.dll resides but of course still gets the same error.

Can this really a factor for the Slony to throw that error?

>> I keep getting...  "ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/xxid": No such 
>> file or
>> directory" whenever I create a new cluster. I've checked the pg directory and
>> the xxid files are in shared folder.
> The "no such file" complaint might refer to some library needed by the
> xxid DLL, rather than that DLL itself.  On Linux I'd suggest using ldd
> to check xxid's dependencies, but I dunno what incantation to use on
> Windows.

Dependency Walker (depends.exe) from (free).

Yet another tool the OS and the Windows standard dev tools fail to include.

Craig Ringer


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