On 2009-08-19, Alban Hertroys <dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> wrote:
> On 19 Aug 2009, at 19:20, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
>> Alban,
>> I think having an installable schema for units of measure with
>> definitions and functions would be a great addition to PostgreSQL.
> Karsten,
> Thanks for the praise and the links.
>> I for one know we would use it in GNUmed (wiki.gnumed.de).
>> A few points:
>> Would these guys be of use as a source for reference data ?
>>   http://unitsofmeasure.org/
> That looks certainly interesting, especially the fact that they  
> provide a source of units and conversions in an XML format. Although  
> their conversion formulas don't look all that easy to parse.
> I've run into a few of the problems they mention already; for example  
> the slight differences between imperial and US units of measurement  
> with the same names and abbreviations...
>> You may want to think about whether there's use in combining
>> units with tagged types:
>>   http://svana.org/kleptog/pgsql/taggedtypes.html
> Yes, I've been thinking the same thing. I had it bookmarked already  
> for the very purpose of checking it out and see how I could use tagged  
> types with units.
>> There's also a Debian package which comes with a text format
>> units database:
>>   http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/units
>> The original source for that:
>> This package was put together by me, James Troup <ja...@nocrew.org>,
>> from the GNU sources, which I obtained from
>> sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk:/pub/gnu/units-1.54.tar.gz.
> I don't consider that tool very reliable[1]. A number of their  
> concepts are probably usable though. I have it's source in my source  
> tree (FreeBSD), so ample opportunity to peek.

the licence is GPL2 though so that may restrict it's use in some

> [1] It doesn't correctly convert °C to °F or vv, that was one of the  
> first things I tried.

what is "vv" 
for  °C to °F RTFM:

units 'tempC(37)' 'tempF'

it handles units (and arbitrary derived units) that are linked by a ratio
It does that very well.

units "mi water/kWh" "mm hg/btu"

Offset units like centigrade and farenheit pose a problem in many

if the temperature just dropped 9 °F what's that in °C ?

yet the answer can be coerced from units.

units 'tempF(0)-tempF(9)+tempC(0)' 'tempC'

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