On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:32:35AM +0200, Daniel Verite wrote:
> Sam Mason wrote:
> > I've just realized another case where it's not consistent; why does the
> > following return true:
> > 
> >   SELECT row(null) IS NULL;
> > 
> > and yet the following false:
> > 
> >   SELECT row(row(null)) IS NULL;
> You're intentionally assuming that row(null) IS NULL evaluating to true
> implies that row(null) can be replaced by NULL. As discussed upthread, this
> is not the case.

But you've still not said how is this useful!  I can reformulate maths
so that 1+0 <> 1+(0), but this is not useful behavior.  Programmers
need logical abstractions upon which to build and without them you end
up with even more bugs.

> > I think I'm saying that PG should be deliberately breaking specified
> > behavior and go back to pre-8.2 behavior in this regard.
> But let's run your example with 8.1:
> # SELECT row(null) IS NULL;
>  ?column? 
> ----------
>  t
> # SELECT row(row(null)) IS NULL;
>  ?column? 
> ----------
>  f
> These are the same results that you say are inconsistant, so pre-8.2 behavior
> doesn't help here...

Doh, that'll learn me--I never actually tried older versions.  I was
just repeating what the docs said about the behavior changing in 8.2.


and was mis-interpreting what it was saying.

  Sam  http://samason.me.uk/

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