I am struggling to learn libpq. for some reason, I could not get an INSERT to produce an Oid. actually, what I am looking for, is to get the ID of the last record inserted or to verify that I inserted a record successfully. I think you use PQresultStatus() for that.(?)
Isn't PQoidValue() for getting the last INSERT id? or am I misunderstanding it? I just figured out how to set the start id of a BIGSERIAL to 1000. SAMPLE OUTPUT: firstname:Horatio middlename:P lastname:Algers homephone:345-678-9012 workphone: cellphone: pager: company: address1: address2: city: mailstop: stateprovince: postalcode: country: comment:abc,123,456 website: emailhome: emailwork: QUERY:"INSERT INTO s_phonelist.phonelist(firstname,middlename,lastname,homephone,workphone,cellphone,pager,company,address1,address2,city,mailstop,stateprovi ,postalcode,country,_comment,website,emailhome,emailwork) VALUES('Horatio','P','Algers','345-678-9012','','','','','','','','','','','','abc,123,456','','','')" ERROR: INSERT operation failed! done. sprintf(querystr, "INSERT INTO s_phonelist.phonelist(%s)\n" "VALUES(%s)", fnl, vl); printf("QUERY:\"%s\"\n", querystr); pgr = PQexec(pgc,querystr); if (PGRES_COMMAND_OK!=PQresultStatus(pgr)) { printf("INSERT result is not OK\n"); } else { Oid oid = PQoidValue(pgr); if (0 == oid) { printf("ERROR: INSERT operation failed!\n"); } } Jim Michaels <jmich...@yahoo.com>