-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Hagander [mailto:mag...@hagander.net] 
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 09:30, Ow Mun Heng<ow.mun.h...@wdc.com> wrote:
>> From: Tommy Gildseth [mailto:tommy.gilds...@usit.uio.no]
>> Ow Mun Heng wrote:
>>>> I'm starting to use DBLink / DBI-Link and one of the "bad" things is
>>>> the password is out in the clear.
>>>> What can I do to prevent it from being such? How do I protect it from
>>>> 'innocent' users?
>>>If I'm not mistaken, it's possible to put your password in the .pgpass
>>>file in the postgres-users home folder, on the server where the postgres
>>>cluster is running.
>> Isn't that how one connects using the CLI? Eg: via psql?

>You need to put it in the .pgpass file of the postgres user - the one
>that runs the server. .pgpass is dealt with by libpq, and DBLink and
>DBI-Link both use libpq to connect to the remote server.

The View is owned by the user "operator" not postgres
Does it make a difference?

My understanding of your words are that it _does_ make a difference and If I
put it into the .pgpass of the postgres user then all is fine.

Thanks for confirmation

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