On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 11:11:10AM -0500, Wenjian Yang wrote:
> We currently installed emacs 23.1 and PostgreSQL 8.4.0 for Windows on a
> windows desktop. When issue "sql-postgres" in emacs, after providing
> User/Password/Database/Server, nothing happens. There is no prompt from
> emacs. Checking the server log, it doesn't seem to have received any
> connection request.

The current setup on my windows box uses the psql that comes with
cygwin.  Unfortunately I don't use it enough to remember the details of
how or why I settled on this setup.

> The above works fine on a linux box using emacs to access PostgreSQL.

Yes, this is much more reliable in my experience.

  Sam  http://samason.me.uk/

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