On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Michael
Gould<mgo...@intermodalsoftwaresolutions.net> wrote:
> The total size of our database with 5 years worth of data is about 3.4 gig.
> In the business we are in, we open about 5-7 new locations each year and
> close 2-3.  I was also thinking that if each partition was by location it

It seems to me it would be cheaper to populate the server with 8Gb of
RAM (or more) and be done with it.  The effort you will expend to
partition and manage the partitions as locations come and go will be
worth far more than the cost of the RAM.

Once your DB is in the 100+GB range, then you may want to consider
paritioning, or perhaps using a schema per location, and for your few
global queries, make a view that encompasses all the schemas.  Given
your rate of change, redefining the views will not be a major burden.

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