
there are already some items in the TODO list regarding LISTEN/NOTIFY, and I 
saw the discussion in the thread "Feature request: NOTIFY enhancement" on Jan 

Now I was hoping for a feature that goes even further than the ones discussed 
and allows clients to listen on changes in the database that satisfy real 
WHERE clauses, if used on tables, but I could imagine that you can listen for 
all changes caused by any DDL or DML statement, including CREATE TABLE and 

The motivation behind this request is, that I see lots of processes, connected 
to databases, that provide features like the one requested (they can only 
report changes that are done by clients through these processes, they don't 
notice changes done to the database directly), on the abstraction level 
of "business objects". These processes are essentially caches, used by 
multiple clients.
That all works more or less, but I'd like to see this feature in the database, 
so that you can work on the database directly, and processes connected will 
notice. And sometimes the sole purpose of these processes is to give that 
listen/notify feature to application, sometimes in addition to "make the 
database faster". In any case, if multiple processes/clients are directly 
connected to the database, consistency of those processes suffers.

The notification message listeners receive should ideally contain complete 
information about the changes they registered for, so that if such a cache 
process receives it, it doesn't need to query the database again to update 
its internal cache.

On a side note, there are a lot of "object caches" springing up, trying to get 
rid of databases altogether, like GemStone GemFire, but I consider them, at 
least the ones I know, flawed, because apparently only after their conception 
and inception, developers seem to realize that they need indexes, ways to 
properly query the cache and so forth and they end up developing database 
features on top of something that is not a real database. In other words, I 
think they are lacking a solid foundation, especially if that foundation 
is "collections of arbitrary Java objects". (Of course these products offer 
other nice features like high availability and so forth.)

So it would be nice to see the one feature I like about these caches added to 
Postgres, without having to resort to tricks that force me out of the (SQL) 
language, like rules/triggers.

One problem might be that a couple of connection methods (like I think JDBC) 
don't allow for asynchronous communication from database to clients, which is 
why clients (when I checked out the LISTEN feature in Postgres) have to poll 
for changes, but I think it should be possible and maybe there are already 
ways to connect to Postgres that allow this?

Does this all make sense?


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