2009/8/3 Andreas Kalsch <andreaskal...@gmx.de>:
> The function "convert_to(string text, dest_encoding name)" will throw an
> error and so break my application when not supported characters are included
> in the unicode string.
> So what can I do
> - to filter characters out which have no counterpart in the latin codesets
> - or to simple ignore wrong characters?
> Problem: Users will enter _any_ characters in my application and an error
> really doesn't help in this case.
> What I am searching for is a function to undiacritic special letters to
> simple ones.
> There is provided an example -
> http://www.postgres.cz/index.php/PostgreSQL_SQL_Tricks#Diacritic_removing -
> which will not work because of the error, when I put _any_ valid UTF8
> character to the functions.

some people use iconv for this task


Pavel Stehule

> Best,
> Andi
> --
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