hi, I can't seem to get the \copy command to work.
Here's my syntax: GISCI# \copy gisp from 'd:/projects/gisp/gisp.csv' delimiter ',' ERROR extra data after last expected column Line 1 It is taking all of the fields and grouping them into one field, the .csv has about 4700 records, here is what the first two look like: Jon,JF,Doe,GIS Coordinator,Miami University,Ohio,Oxford,OH,United States,10/25/02 Janet,,Doe,PhD Student and Professional Geologist,York University,Toronto,ON,Canada,9/25/07 The table has 9 fields mostly varchar and one date field. I'm running 8.3 on Windows Vista Ultimate thanks. Andy -- Andrew Maracini, GISP/AICP Superior GIS Solutions LLC 3309 N.Casaloma Dr. #114 Appleton, WI 54913 http://www.superiorgissolutions.com 920-574-2090 906-361-4132 (cell)