On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Andreas
Wenk<a.w...@netzmeister-st-pauli.de> wrote:
> Bill Moran schrieb:
>  > While I've no objection to someone helping out by converting files, I
>> find it odd that flv is suggested.  I've yet to find anything that can
>> play flv files on my FreeBSD desktop machine.  I'm pretty sure mplayer
>> can play mov files ... I guess I'll find out this evening when I take
>> time to watch them.
> You will not need to watch them on your desktop. If your browser supports
> flash, then you simply watch them with your browser. I think flash (flv,
> swf) is more supported by the browser than mov - as long as you don't
> download the videos. For sure mplayer can play them. But why download them
> at all? ;-)

Why not use a standardized openly documented container format like
mpeg4 with mpeg4 part 2 compression instead of one controlled by a
single company like flv or quicktime? That would let people play it
using any of various open source codecs which can play mpeg4 part 2.


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