I was trying to use information from the pg_stats view, when I remembered that 8.4 now has the cool
unnest function.
However I can't seem to get this to work with a column defined as anyarray.
So my query is:
select histogram_bounds
from pg_stats
where tablename = 'my_table'
and attname = 'col1';
Now I would like to get the elements of the histogram_bounds column as a set, and thought that
unnest would help me here, but the following:
select unnest(histogram_bounds)
from pg_stats
where tablename = 'my_table'
and attname = 'col1';
gives me the error
argument declared "anyarray" is not an array but type anyarray
I'm pretty sure I'm overlooking something obvious with regards to the unnest
syntax, but what?
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