On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 13:46 -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to "Joshua D. Drake" <j...@commandprompt.com>:

> > It depends on the system. I have seen even big systems take a huge hit
> > by full logging due to transactional velocity.
> Perhaps I'm just in a foul mood today, but I feel like people are picking

Possibly. :)

> my emails apart to make me the bad guy.  Note that you trimmed out a key
> part of what I said here:

Right. I didn't have issue with the rest of your email. Its just the
idea what the person said was ridiculous.

> "Have you benchmarked the load it creates under your workload?"

Which is certainly a valid question.

> Perhaps I should have explicitly said, "There are likely some cases where
> this statement isn't true, so you should benchmark your specific load
> case, but you don't mention that you've done that."
> Or, perhaps I should just abstain from posting to mailing lists when I'm
> in a foul mood ...

It has certainly gotten me in trouble more than once. There is a reason
they say, "Don't go JD".

Joshua D. Drake

PostgreSQL - XMPP: jdr...@jabber.postgresql.org
   Consulting, Development, Support, Training
   503-667-4564 - http://www.commandprompt.com/
   The PostgreSQL Company, serving since 1997

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