I think I can understand what you both have discussed.
But I am unable to unearth my mistake.

--- On Wed, 7/8/09, Andreas Wenk <a.w...@netzmeister-st-pauli.de> wrote:

From: Andreas Wenk <a.w...@netzmeister-st-pauli.de>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] [Re: Password?]
To: "Steve Atkins" <st...@blighty.com>
Cc: "pgsql-general List" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 11:20 PM

Steve Atkins schrieb:
> On Jul 8, 2009, at 6:19 AM, Andreas Wenk wrote:
>> Jasen Betts schrieb:
>>> On 2009-07-08, Andreas Wenk <a.w...@netzmeister-st-pauli.de> wrote:
>>>> Serge Fonville schrieb:
>>>>>> *argh* - more detailed to avoid confusion. The auth method 'password' in
>>>>>> pg_hba.conf means, that you will be asked for a password for the user you
>>>>>> try to create a db with. If no user is given (with createdb -U 
>>>>>> [username]),
>>>>>> this user is postgres ...
>>>>> Wasn't it that it uses the currently logged on user is used if no user
>>>>> is specified?
>>>> correct - so this will be postgres because other users are not allowed to 
>>>> use these
>>>> programs ...
> That's not true.

you are right!Sorry for that mistake.

>>>> /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433
>>>> createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role "duke" does 
>>>> not exist
>>>> $ sudo su postgres
>>>> postg...@duke-linux:~/8.4/bin$ ./createdb test -p 5433
>>>> postg...@duke-linux:~/8.4/bin$
>>>> auth method in pg_hba.conf is trust in this case.
>>> if it's "trust" any user can do
>>> ~postgres/8.4/bin/createdb -U postgres -p 5433 test
>> nope! what you did is calling createdb as system user postgres (I believe 
>> because of the ~ sign at the beginning) *and* giving the option -U postgres. 
>> That works for sure and you even don't need -U postgres since you are 
>> allready postgres. But leave -U postgres away as a system user not equal to 
>> postgres ... see my example above.
> Nor is that.

Why not? I think it is but maybe I did not write it understandable enough. See 
my example.

> Most of the postgresql client tools, including createdb, can be used by any 
> operating system user to connect to the database as any database user.
> If they are called with "-U foo" then they will attempt to connect to the 
> database as database user "foo".
> If they are not called with -U then they will usually attempt to connect to 
> the database as the current operating system user (though that can be 
> overridden with the PGUSER or PGSERVICE environment variables).
> So if I'm logged in as steve and I do "createdb test" then I will try and 
> connect to the database as database user steve and create the test database. 
> If I do "createdb -U postgres test" I will try to connect to the database as 
> database user "postgres" and create the test database.

this is exactly my example. I am the system user duke but there is no role duke 
in the db. The result is the error message. Using -U postgres is successful.

But in the case shown by Swati she is allready the system user postgres. So 
there's no need to put the option -U postgres. Correct? See my example.

> Whether I'm prompted for a password or not depends on the settings in 
> pg_hba.conf. Typically the postgres operating system user is allowed to 
> connect to the database as the postgres database user without a password. 
> Other OS user / database user combinations may or may not need a password 
> depending on whether pg_hba.conf is set up to ask for one or not - how that 
> is set up as default varies, but it's fairly common to require a password.

exactly. Thanks a lot for explaining that way better.

> Cheers,
>   Steve

Actually I think we both know how it works ;-)



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