I wrote: 
> What I notice about your program is that you connect to the database
> in the main thread, then start a new thread and use the connection in that
> new thread.
> I don't know, but I'd expect that since ecpg keeps a thread-specific
> sqlca, this could cause problems. Indeed I find with the debugger that in
> your sample sqlca is allocated and initialized twice, once when the
> catabase connection is attempted, and once when the SQL statement is run.
> I think that the "good" way to do it would be:
> - start a thread
> - connect to the database
> - do work
> - disconnect from the database
> - terminate the thread

I thought some more about that, and it is obvioisly nonsense.
Why shouldn't you use a connection object in a different thread?

I'll try to come up with some more findings to help figure out
what's going on.

Laurenz Albe

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