> For sure I had a look to Oleg Bartunov' s and Teodor Sigaev's 
> website at http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/wiki/ but for me 
> it's still not clear how to describe the differences between 
> the indexes and the usage scenarios when to use GIN or GiST.

As far as I understand it's a matter of usage scenario. GIN is extremely
slow on updates, I seem to remember somewhere that it's actually often
better to simply recreate the complete index than to update it; GiST's
write performance is not half as bad. On the other hand, GIN is much
faster on reads than GiST. If you've got some data that is read-only in
nature, you'll probably fare better with GIN. If you need frequent
updates, GiST ist the better choice. In certain scenarios you would use
partial indexes to have a GiST index on current, still heavily updated
data, and a GIN index on older, "archived" rows which are not updated
any longer.

Kind regards


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