Jim thanks

Can you please show how to setup partitining in gridsql and pgpool 2

thanks a lot

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Jim Mlodgenski <jimm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> what is a good way to horizontal shard in postgresql
>> 1. pgpool 2
>> 2. gridsql
>> which is a better way to use sharding
> Both are good methods of sharding, but it depends on your goals. GridSQL is
> better in reporting applications where as PG Pool2 is better in
> transactional situations.
>> also is it possible to paritition without changing client code
> Yes, but it depends on the SQL in your client code. If you are just using
> simple SQL with no stored functions, you should be able to slip in either
> solution without changing the client code.
> --
> Jim Mlodgenski
> EnterpriseDB (http://www.enterprisedb.com)

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