Hi all,

I'm working on a problem at the moment where I have some data that I
need to get from a proprietary system into a web page.  I was thinking
of using PostgreSQL as a middle man to store the data.  E.g

- C++ app reads data from proprietary system and writes it into temp
table in PostgreSQL
- ASP.NET web service reads data from temp table in PostgreSQL and
generates HTML

I already have a database that I'm using for other parts of the web
site, so thought I'd just add an extra table that looks like this:

CREATE TABLE "DataExchange"
        "DataExchangeID" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
        "Name" text NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        "Value" integer NOT NULL,
        "UpdateTime" timestamp without time zone

This temp table will probably contain up to 10000 records, each of
which could be changing every second (data is coming from a real-time
monitoring system).  On top of this, I've then got the ASP.NET app
reading the updated data values every second or so (the operators want
to see the data as soon as it changes).  I was going to do some
performance testing to see how well it would work, but thought I'd ask
the question here first: I know that the number of records isn't a
problem, but how about the frequency of updates/reads?  Is 10000
updates/reads a second considered a lot in the PostgreSQL world, or
will it do it easily?



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