Postgres User wrote:
Does anyone have a recommendation for maintaining user permissions on
a changing database?  The lack of an option to grant specific rights
to all objects of a given type within a Postgres db obviously places
the burden on the administrator to keep roles updated as objects are
added and dropped from a given database.

Unfortunately for us, we don't have a dedicated db admin, so this task
falls into the hands of developers who are probably less adapt at this
kind of task ;)

Is there a utility or set of scripts out there that helps a db owner
with permissions admin?

your question is just too vague to even begin to know what it is you want ?

there are scripts for GRANTALL like functionality. But, if you use nested roles for your permissions, these things just don't come up. Or if the database is owned by the account that creates the tables and accesses it, again, they don't come up at all.

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