> Is there any way to get count of docs & pages imported by date without
> resorting to selecting from a select:

[Spotts, Christopher] 
If I understand you correctly..?

create table docs (id int8 primary key, imported_when timestamp );  
create table pages (id int8 primary key, doc_id int8 not null references
INSERT INTO docs values (1,now()),(2,now()),(3,now()),(4,now()- interval '1
INSERT INTO pages values (1,1),(2,1),(3,2),(4,2),(5,3),(6,4),(7,4),(8,4);

select imported_when::date, count(distinct pages.id),count(distinct docs.id)
 from docs, pages
 where docs.id = pages.doc_id
 group by imported_when::date;

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