Thanks, Tom.

Lesson learned.

Are there any integrity checks I need to run on the db after this type
of crash and recovery, or is vacuum --all good enough?


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Tom Lane<> wrote:
> Whit Armstrong <> writes:
>> I had a few queries that were fired from pgAdmin, but failed to stop
>> running after I killed the GUI.
>> I tried to stop the queries by killing the pid (of the process running
>> the query, not the pid of the server) from the linux command line, and
>> much to my surprise, the whole database went down and then recovered
>> (using the data in pg_xlog I assume).
> I suppose you used "kill -9"?  Don't do that.
>> So, now that I've learned this lesson, what is the proper way to kill
>> a query, and can it be done from psql or are there special postgres
>> tools to do this.
> kill -INT is a safe query-cancel method.
>                        regards, tom lane

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