Yes, they are both your packages from your official site. So this means that in 8.2 and in earlier versions the rounding is not the regular one.
Best regards, Otto 2009/6/15 Dave Page <> > On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Tom Lane<> wrote: > > =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Havasv=F6lgyi_Ott=F3?= <> > writes: > >> I have found the following strangeness on Windows versions: > > > > Were your two versions built different ways (perhaps with different > > compilers)? This comes down to what the system-supplied rint() function > > does. > > If they are our packages, then 8.2 was built with mingw/msys, and 8.3 with > VC++. > > > -- > Dave Page > EnterpriseDB UK: >