Bhujbal, Santosh wrote:
Hi All,
Postgres ‘psql’ client is getting hang in ‘stat’ call while connecting
to postgres server.
Pstack output:
11017: ./bin/psql -U postgres configdb
00000000 stat (ff3f5640, ffbff578)
My machine details:
SunOS my_machine 5.10 Generic_120011-14 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V245
Postgres version:
PostgreSQL 8.2.0 on sparc-sun-solaris2.8, compiled by
/export/home/uxapps/studio6/SUNWspro/bin/cc –Xa
ancient version of postgres, complied with a rather old sun compiler on
a fairly old solaris version, where do we start?
The 8.2 family is up to 8.2.13, and the .0 release of any major.minor
version tends to be on the buggy side.
did this server work right in the past and just stopped workinig, or was
it just built, or what?
solaris 10 as of the last couple incremental releases comes with
postgres 8.2 32 and 64bit precompiled and configured to run from SMF
I would use those, not this old old 8.2.0 build you seem to have.
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