On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 08:35:20AM +0200, Gerhard Wiesinger wrote:
> Hello!
> I've the following data:
> datetime | val1 | val2
> time1    |    4 | 40%
> time2    |    7 | 30%
> time3    |   12 | 20%
> ...
> I'd like to sum up the following:
> (7-4)*30% + (12-7)*20% + ...

This is best done in 8.4 using Windowing.  Sadly, it's an 8.4-only
feature, and dodgy hacks are the rule until you can use them.

> datetime is ordered (and unique and has also an id).
> Rows are in the area of millions.
> How is it done best?
> 1.) Self join with one row shift?
> 2.) function?
> Any hint?
> Thnx.
> Ciao,
> Gerhard
> --
> http://www.wiesinger.com/
> -- 
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