
Welcome aboard :)

Jordi Martínez <jmarti...@uic.es> writes:
> 1.- Exception throwed by cast('yyyymmdd' as timestamp)
> I do a cast conversion from a string to a timestamp. When I put a bad
> date on the string, the cast throw an error on my PL/PGSQL but I can't
> capture (I'm new).  Which type of exception launch the cast function?

The exhaustive list of error codes is there:


It should probably be in Class 22 — Data Exception, and I'd bet one of
those, depending on the faulty input:

  22008 DATETIME FIELD OVERFLOW datetime_field_overflow
  22007 INVALID DATETIME FORMAT invalid_datetime_format

> 2.- Number of days on February
> I'm parsing a string with a date with format 'yyyymmdd' for testing if it's a 
> valid date.
> I need to know if the day is correct for the month on the string, but
> February is different for every year. How can I know if February have
> 28 or 29 days depending on the year?

The usual trick is to ask for the day number of 03/01 preceeding day:

dim=# select x::date, extract(day from x::date - interval '1 day') 
        from (values('20090301'), ('20080301'), 
                    ('20040301'), ('20000301')) as t(x);
     x      | date_part 
 03-01-2009 |        28
 03-01-2008 |        29
 03-01-2004 |        29
 03-01-2000 |        29
(4 lignes)


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