What does Postgres have for managing/controlling user access to the DB in terms 
of resource allocation?  I remember in Oracle, you could specify how many 
server slots were available for users to share and how much resources they were 
allotted.  A super-user that needed more resource for heavy loading (for 
example) could be given a private slot with more resources allocated to that 

What I have is a user who has fired off 6 resource intensive reports that are 
bogging my DB down.  In the meantime, I have what I would like to identify as a 
high priority DB loader process (running as a super user BTW) that is bogged 
down trying to load the DB.  So the high priority job is just 1 out of 7 
contenders for the DB.  I'd like it to be more like the DB loader gets 50% of 
the resources while the reports get 50% altogether.

Can this be controlled in PG?


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