In response to "Carlos Oliva" <>:

> Woudl it be possible to keep the current postgresql version running in a 
> different port, install a new version of postgresql, and copy the data from 
> one version to the other while both versions are running?  This might give 
> us time to copy the tables and databases one at a time and reconfigure the 
> database access for parts of the application until we complete the migration 
> to the new version.

Your best bet would be to install Slony-I.  One of the main design goals
for Slony is to allow interruption-free upgrades.

Basically, you can set up the new database server (using a different port
or whatever), and install/configure Slony.  Slony will then keep your
two database in sync.  Then you can switch over to the new database
whenever suits you:

Bill Moran

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