"Anton Kalauzky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Dear friends,
> I have two PC's with exactly the same configurations - one in my office and 
> the other at home. They are running RedHat Linux 6.2 and PostgreSQL included 
> in distribution. The first one I recently installed by upgrading from Linux 
> 6.1 and the for the second one I went through full installation process.
> I have also exactly the same db's, tables and row's in PostgreSQL. All my 
> data's are completely equal. Recently found that when I invoke SQL command 
> "SELECT * FROM nst ORDER BY name;" I have different answers on my systems. I 

Hmm. I had some similar problems with RedHat 6.2 vs. Solaris 7 with
iso-8859-1 encoding. I'm not familiar with the backend implementation, but
I think it relies on operating system libraries for correct ordering of
characters. My problem was that it sorted wrong on my development system
Redhat 6.2, while it was correct on Solaris 7. I was actually able to
reproduce the same incorrect sort order in the filesystem by using "ls". I
haven't yet made it priority to get this right on RedHat 6.2 since it is
only my development system for now, but I would sure like to hear from
anyone who has an answer to this ?

I guess this could be a similar configuration or library version problem
for you as well...


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