2009/5/29 Adam Ruth <adamr...@mac.com>:
> Always test your performance assumptions. The plpgsql function is faster
> than the sql function, a lot faster on smaller arrays.
> unnest - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 6701.746 ms
> unnest - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 11847.933 ms
> unnest - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 59472.691 ms
> explode - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 1941.942 ms
> explode - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 8521.289 ms
> explode - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 44980.048 ms



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