Keith D. Evans wrote:
We usually run postgresql on a private machine (gravity) but due to
space, we have moved the database to a different machine through afs (a
local network at the university). We do not want the private machine to
be accessible to outside users, so our web pages are on the university's
public web pages. They have mysql, but won't install postgresql, which
we've been using on gravity for years.
We want to add a database where users can get and plot data using php
over the internet. But since the public computers don't have postgresql,
can we have postgresql running on gravity allowing users accessing
through the internet on the public pages to access the data?
gravity = postgresql host = private
webpages = university web server = public
so, user accesses webpage on university web server, the webpage ( webapp )
has/or creates a connection to the postgresql server on gravity --> yes, user
can access webpage on public server and pull data from postgresql server on
private server ( as long as postgresql is configured to accept the connection
from the webserver and network connectivity exists between public and private
server )
Does this answer what you are asking?
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