On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 03:39:39PM +0100, Howard Cole wrote:
> Sam Mason wrote:
> >Note that when used on the pg_dump process all you're doing is stopping
> >it from writing out the backup.  The server process will still be
> >running and waiting for the backup to finish writing the data.  It will
> >thus hold the transaction open and any other state needed to keep things
> >going.  This should be fine for temporary pauses, but it wouldn't be
> >recommended to pause the backup for days at a time.
> Just curious.... why would you want to pause a backup/restore?

Yes, it seems a little perverse.  There seem to be valid use cases,
disk/cpu time need temporarily elsewhere being one.  As the poem goes;
"ours not to reason why"... (hum, I think it's supposed to be "theirs
not to..", ah well).

  Sam  http://samason.me.uk/

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