Thanks. Running ipcclean fixed it right away.
Travis Bauer | CS Grad Student | IU |
On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Tom Lane wrote:
> Travis Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > When I start postmaster, I get the following:
> > IpcSemaphoreCreate: semget failed (No space left on device) key = ...
> > However, it normall works fine with the setting, and a nasty
> > crash killed it this morning. I think that for some reason, some
> > semaphores are still being held.
> Sounds likely. The standard utility programs ipcs and ipcrm will help you
> clean up --- see their man pages. (You probably will need to zap the
> old shared-memory segments as well as the old semaphores; these tools
> will handle both tasks.)
> Our distribution includes a shell script "ipcclean" that purports to
> do this for you, but I wouldn't trust it too far, since the output
> format of ipcs is somewhat platform-specific.
> regards, tom lane