On May 14, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Turner, Ian wrote:

Thanks everyone for the many responses to this question. Asynchronous
schema updates may be how we'll have to proceed, but we'd really like to
avoid that. Instead, I'm currently studying the possibility of a
my_create_table() function that accepts a CREATE TABLE command, executes
the command, and also does some extra tasks. Some of these extra tasks
require elevated privileges, which can be accomplished by making the
function SECURITY DEFINER. But the CREATE TABLE command should still be
executed as the calling user.

So, my next question is: Is there some way to drop one's privileges
within a transaction, or to execute a command using another user's

Thanks again for your thoughts.

That was going to be my suggestion. Drop your user's rights to create tables directly and define a function that creates your tables and set up the rules as SECURITY INVOKER with a role that still has create table privileges. That way, when other users run the function, it'll run with the privileges of the user who created it. No need to switch roles directly.

However, so you know, you can execute SET ROLE <rolename>; to change to a role that your existing role has membership in (or any to any role for superuser roles).

Erik Jones, Database Administrator
Engine Yard
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