On 2009-05-08, Gauthier, Dave <dave.gauth...@intel.com> wrote:
> --_000_482E80323A35A54498B8B70FF2B87980040106E94Bazsmsx504amrc_
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Hi:
> Using a single psql command to generate stdout in linux that will be redire=
> cted to a file.  Many rows with 1 column are returned.  I want no header, n=
> o footer, no blank lines at the top or bottom, no initial space before each=
>  record.  This is what I'm trying...
> psql -P tuples_only=3Don,footer=3Doff,border=3D0 mydb
> This gets rid of the header and footer OK.  But there is still a blank line=
>  as the first line in stdout.  Also, each record has a preceding space befo=
> re the column value.
> Is there a way to do what I want?

use "copy (select ...) to stdout" instead of "select ..."

requires 8.3 or greater.
as a bonus nulls and control characters re represented unambiguously.

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