Eugene . wrote:
Hi all,

I've been tasked with evaluating the feasibility of migrating our in-house application from MSSQL to PostgreSQL. It is fairly old and has lots of stored procedures, which is why we need to think carefully before making the switch. Does anyone else have a similar experience? What are some of the things to watch out for?

from what all I gather, transact*SQL is -way- different, so you'll be pretty much rewriting your procedures, you might consider just rearchitecting the whole application. A lot of people are moving their business logic out of stored procedures and into a application server, programmed in a conventional language, such as Java, or Ruby, or whatever, and just using stored procedures where it makes sense for performance.

Secondly, which commercial support vendor would you recommend? I found EnterpriseDB and CommandPrompt, but I don't know anything about them. Any other candidates?

Those are both fine upstanding members of the postgres community, each employs a number of primary project developers, and both have a long history of providing support.

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