Hi! I've got a generalized function
getshadowrecord(schema (varchar),table (varchar), id (int4), version_id (int)) which returns RECORD. As this function is supposed to work on any table structure, I need to declare a column alias list when I do a SELECT on it, like SELECT * FROM getshadowrecord('foo','article',683503,0) AS shadowrecord ( id integer, type_id integer , headline text, strapline text, [...] ); Now I'd like to make things easier for my developers by supplying sort of alias functions for each table like CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION "foo"."getshadow_article"( IN "_id" int4, IN "_versid" int4) RETURNS foo.article_shadow AS $BODY$ SELECT * FROM getshadowrecord('foo','article',$1,$2) AS shadowrecord ( id integer, type_id integer , headline text, strapline text, [...] ); $BODY$ LANGUAGE SQL VOLATILE; Using these alias functions, they can simply do a SELECT * FROM foo.getshadow_article(id,version_id) without having to write the column list. As each of those alias functions would correspond exactly to one table, I wonder if there is a more elegant alternative to explicitly declaring the column list, something like this: CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION "foo"."getshadow_article"( IN "_id" int4, IN "_versid" int4) RETURNS foo.article_shadow AS $BODY$ SELECT * FROM getshadowrecord('foo','article',$1,$2) AS shadowrecord (foo.article_shadow%rowtype); $BODY$ LANGUAGE SQL VOLATILE; Unfortunately my example doesn't work, but I think you'll know what I'd like to do. The only way I see to solve this so far, would be to use pl/pgsql or pl/perl, issue a query to the information_schema.columns table, then assemble the query string with the column list and execute that. I'd like to know if there's some better way to implement this, something that would somehow use the %rowtype construct. Kind regards Markus Jede Stimme zahlt, jetzt voten fur die besten Games: www.bamaward.de Computec Media AG Sitz der Gesellschaft und Registergericht: Furth (HRB 8818) Vorstandsmitglieder: Albrecht Hengstenberg (Vorsitzender) und Rainer Rosenbusch Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jurg Marquard Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 812 575 276 -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general