On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Wojtek <f...@twine.pl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question on transactions/isolation levels/etc...
> In my PL/pgSQL function main loop goes through inventory list of active
> devices, for each one executing processing applicable for given device,
> like:
> FOR i in --i is %rowtype
> select device_id as device_id,
> type as type
> from devices_list
> where active = 1
>   (...)
> -- here is CASE statement, checking value of 'type' parameter
>  (....)
> END LOOP; --simple enough, right?
> This processing is pretty heavy and takes lot of time... so, I'd like to be
> able to monitor as processing progresses and I need to be able to say:
> -which devices've been processed already
> -which ones've not been processed yet

You could raise notice and then tail the logs as it runs.  Or the
other option mentioned of using dblink() works well too.

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