What is the mechanism about automatic recovery when startup? I read the
PostgreSQL document and didnt find anything about this. can you specify
that, pls?
Thank you so much!


-----Original Message-----
From: Alvaro Herrera [mailto:alvhe...@commandprompt.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 8:22 AM
To: Chen, Dongdong (GE Healthcare)
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] need help for PostgreSQL consistency check

Chen, Dongdong (GE Healthcare) wrote:
> We are now working on database check mechanism in our application. The

> situation is when server shutdown abnormally, the postmaster.pid file 
> still exists when reboot, But the PostgreSQL database itself may not 
> be damaged. We just do not want to restore from backups when the 
> database is still good even if server shutdown abnormally. If the 
> PostgreSQL database records are damaged for sure when server reboots, 
> then the restoration should be executed automatically.

Just start it up.  If there is recovery to execute, it'll be done

Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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