Hi Stefano

I'm intrigued with Amazon EC2 and did a little search on it.

From your experience could it be used in similar fashion as a website ->
running a Postgresql database and having users access the database through an interface?

If so, would the users need a Java environment installed on their machines or would the interface connect directley to Postgresql - like a website??


----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefano Nichele" <stefano.nich...@gmail.com>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] postgreSQL & amazon ec2 cloud

I wanted to reply to an existing thread but it seems a new one has been created, so I think more details are required...

I want to run my postgres DB on Amazon EC2 using a EBS persistent disk for postgres installation. In this way data and pg_xlog will be on the same disk. I was just wondering if also on ec2 with EBS disks having pg_xlog on a different EBS disk could be useful.

Thanks in advance

Stefano Nichele wrote:
Do you think that it could useful mounting two different EBS to handle data and pg_xlog ?


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