Rick Schumeyer wrote:
> I want to be able to search a list of articles for title words as well
> as author names.... I'm not sure the best strategy for the names.  The
> full text parser "parses" the names giving undesirable results. 
> For example,
> select to_tsvector('claude Jones');
>     to_tsvector
> --------------------
>  'jone':2 'claud':1
> Is there a way to tell the parser to index the words in a column without
> trying to determine word roots? 

> Or what is the best way to index names for efficient searching?

I've got a similar question; but would love a dictionary that
could give me an efficient index that considers that
Bill/William and Bob/Rob/Robert and Khadaffi/Qaddafi might
share the same roots.  Ideally it'd return exact matches
first, followed by the similar terms.

I kludged up some many step queries to try to do this; but
wonder if this would work better as a tsearch dictionary,
and wonder even more if I'm re-inventing something that's
already out there.

Anyone know of such a tsearch dictionary that is aware of
the roots of names?

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