Why PG sort's my data in case insensitive manner?

masterdb=# SELECT name FROM enterprises ORDER BY name;
 AKS 514

The worst (totally mess) example is:

masterdb=# SELECT name, replace(name, ' ', '<20>') FROM enterprises
ORDER BY name;
                 name                 |                        replace
 alinatestfree                        | alinatestfree
 Alina Test Free                      | Alina<20>Test<20>Free
 alinatestfree220                     | alinatestfree220

More info here:

masterdb=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 8.3.7 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc
(GCC) 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)
(1 row)

masterdb=# select name, setting from pg_settings WHERE name ilike 'lc
    name     |   setting
 lc_collate  | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_ctype    | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_messages | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_monetary | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_numeric  | en_US.UTF-8
 lc_time     | en_US.UTF-8
(6 rows)

masterdb=# \l
                    List of databases
                Name                |  Owner   | Encoding
 masterdb                           | postgres | UTF8

masterdb=# \d+ enterprises
                       Table "public.enterprises"
       Column       |           Type           | Modifiers |
 name               | text                     |           |

masterdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT name FROM enterprises ORDER BY name;
                                                   QUERY PLAN
 Sort  (cost=29.62..30.68 rows=422 width=11) (actual time=1.537..1.596
rows=367 loops=1)
   Sort Key: name
   Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 44kB
   ->  Seq Scan on enterprises  (cost=0.00..11.22 rows=422 width=11)
(actual time=0.012..0.181 rows=367 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 1.677 ms
(5 rows)

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