Please remember to reply-all so others can help or see the solution as well (also, the convention on this list is to bottom-post, not top-post).

Radcon Entec wrote:
Here's the exact command and output, taken from the DOS command window: C:\Documents and Settings\entec>"\program files\postgresql\8.1\bin\pg_dump" -f f
eedback.sql -v -a -t feedback -h -U postgres Anneal
pg_dump: reading schemas
pg_dump: reading user-defined functions
pg_dump: reading user-defined types
pg_dump: reading procedural languages
pg_dump: reading user-defined aggregate functions
pg_dump: reading user-defined operators
pg_dump: reading user-defined operator classes
pg_dump: reading user-defined conversions
pg_dump: reading user-defined tables
pg_dump: reading table inheritance information
pg_dump: reading rewrite rules
pg_dump: reading type casts
pg_dump: finding inheritance relationships
pg_dump: reading column info for interesting tables
pg_dump: finding the columns and types of table "feedback"
pg_dump: finding default expressions of table "feedback"
pg_dump: flagging inherited columns in subtables
pg_dump: reading indexes
pg_dump: reading indexes for table "feedback"
pg_dump: reading constraints
pg_dump: reading triggers
pg_dump: reading dependency data
pg_dump: saving encoding
pg_dump: executing SEQUENCE SET feedback_feedback_key_seq
pg_dump: restoring data for table "feedback"
pg_dump: dumping contents of table feedback
And what was the result? Zero-size file? If not, what was in the file?
When I ran a batch file dumping the schema and about forty tables into separate files, no problems were encountered. All of the resulting files have reasonable sizes.
What method did you use for that process?
I haven't tried psql yet, nor pg_dumpall. I've got a full backup running now.
Via what utility if you aren't using pg_dumpall? Also, running a full backup won't impede testing your connection with psql.
I am sure that I'm looking at a table. I'm not sure where to find the server logs (which gives you some idea of my knowledge of PostgreSQL administration). I'll go check them now. RobR

*From:* Steve Crawford <>
*To:* Radcon Entec <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 8, 2009 11:25:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [GENERAL] Table has 22 million records, but backup doesn't see them

Radcon Entec wrote:
I'm running PostgreSQL 8.1 under Windows XP, looking at a database hosted on a machine running PostgreSQL under Windows Server 2003. The database has a table with three simple columns and 22 million rows. I am trying to back up that table by itself. However, pg_dump finishes almost instantly, obviously not backing up any data from the table. I've tried it from the DOS command line with and without the -a (data only) option, and from inside PGAdmin. Can anyone suggest what might cause this behavior?
What is the exact command and what is the output (I'll be surprised if there is no output at all to either stdout or stderr)? Does pg_dumpall run fine from the same machine? How about psql? Are you sure you are hitting a base-table and not a view? Do the server logs show anything interesting?


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