Temp tables can be great for simplifying your code into more logical sections. When making a case for using them, make sure to point out that using them more aggressively can cut down on the amount of indexing you need on the big tables, which has positive implications in terms of getting simpler and robust query plans and cutting down on insertion overhead.

You should be sure to turn on log_temp_files (which is handy in general, that's not specific to temp tables). One specific thing to look for to support your case is that sorts that used to execute in RAM and spill to disk when they exceed work_mem might instead execute with less memory usage; you'll be doing the final sort/filter steps using the temp tables instead. If that is already happening, the overhead of using the temp table can end up looking pretty good.

One thing I like doing when in the early development stages is to create a seperate disk partition for the temporary tables, turn that into a tablespace, and then use temp_tablespaces to point the temp tables toward it. The idea is to separate out I/O to the temp tables so that you can measure it to see how significant it is.

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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