Hi everyone, thanks in advance. I'm using Win XP and trying to install
PostgreSQL 8.3, i've read the DOCs and followed every step carefully,
everything seems to be right on the progress bar untill it stucks and
prompts: "Failed to run initdb: 1! Please see the logfile in
So here it is:
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "SYSTEM".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale Spanish_Spain.1252.
The default text search configuration will be set to "spanish".
creating directory C:/Archivos de programa/PostgreSQL/8.3/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 10
selecting default shared_buffers/max_fsm_pages ... 400kB/20000
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in C:/Archivos de
programa/PostgreSQL/8.3/data/base/1 ... child process exited with exit
code 1
initdb: removing data directory "C:/Archivos de
After this, i've tried installing the Postgres Plus Advanced Server 8.3,
using operating system local and encoding (by default)...and bang, it
won't install either! Thanks to this try, i think i've taken more
information about what the real problem is...but i can't go any further.
This is thi error i get in postgresplus instalation:
(Apr 7, 2009 1:49:07 PM), Install,
com.enterprisedb.isaction.InitDBFailAction, err, ProductException:
(error code = 601; message="Initdb Failed"; additional data = [Data
folder [C:\PostgresPlus\8.3AS\data] does not exist.])
ProductException: (error code = 601; message="Initdb Failed"; additional
data = [Data folder [C:\PostgresPlus\8.3AS\data] does not exist.])
[and a lot more of junk here, useless in my opinion]
Install logs are showing:
---- initout.txt:
Calling initdb as user enterprisedb...
Initializing Database Cluster
--pwfile=password.txt -U enterprisedb -D "C:\PostgresPlus\8.3AS\data" -A
md5 --locale="Spanish_Spain.1252" --encoding=
---- initdb_stderr.txt: (this is the one i found interesting)
2009-04-07 15:49:05 WARNING: could not query value for 'std' to
identify Windows timezone: 2
2009-04-07 15:49:05 WARNING: could not find a match for Windows
timezone "Hora de verano romance"
el proceso hijo terminó con código de salida 1
initdb: eliminando el directorio de datos «C:/PostgresPlus/8.3AS/data»
----- initdb_stdout.txt:
Los archivos de este cluster serán de propiedad del usuario «Administrador».
Este usuario también debe ser quien ejecute el proceso servidor.
El cluster será inicializado con configuración local Spanish_Spain.1252.
creando el directorio C:/PostgresPlus/8.3AS/data ... hecho
creating subdirectories ... hecho
seleccionando el valor para max_connections ... 10
selecting default shared_buffers/max_fsm_pages ... 400kB/20000
creando archivos de configuración ... hecho
creando base de datos template1 en C:/PostgresPlus/8.3AS/data/base/1 ...
and initerr.txt is void
I've changed my zone time, changed coding values diferent thant UTF8...i
dont know what more can i do! Please guys help me out.
Thank you! Looking forward to see your replies.
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