Hi to all, I'm new on this list and also on using postgre. I wanted to write some C-Function but, also if I read all the documentation about it on the Manuals directory on the postgre web page, i still have some problems. I already made some simple works just to try how was working and all went fine. Now I need to make some basic operations inside the database, for example create new tables, temp tables, delete them insert some new information inside existent tables, and something like this. The problem is that i didn't find nothing about it. I found only some information about this things on the doxygen section of the postgre website but is really difficult for me (http://doxygen.postgresql.org/) [I went in the directory include/server and I took a look around there but without understand a lot]. I hope you can help me! Thank you in advance,
Angelo. _________________________________________________________________ Chiama gratis dal tuo PC! Parla su Messenger http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/140630369/direct/01/