On Mar 22, 2009, at 10:44 PM, DM wrote:

Hi All,

I am facing an error on executing the below command

dump name: pg_dump_FcZ0.pnps_200903041201_1.2.1.0_base_testing
databae name: pnqd_test

$pg_restore -U postgres -p 5433 -d pnqd_test pg_dump_FcZ0.pnps_200903041201_1.2.1.0_base_testing

pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 3715; 0 0 ACL monitor postgres
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 1

I am not able to figure out this issue. Any idea guys.

TOC -> Table of Contents

A dump made with pg_dump's -Fc will contain a table of contents of all of the database objects in the dump file. Something in that is causing an error for pg_restore. Does the version of pg_restore match up with the version of pg_dump that you used to make the dump?

Erik Jones, Database Administrator
Engine Yard
Support, Scalability, Reliability
866.518.9273 x 260
Location: US/Pacific
IRC: mage2k

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