On Mar 19, 2:04 pm, r...@iol.ie ("Raymond O'Donnell") wrote:
> On 18/03/2009 22:22, ray wrote:
> > I do not see an opportunity to request a log to be written.  From the
> > Psotgre site, I downloaded:
> > postgresql-8.3.7-1-windows.exe
> Ah, I see - that's the one-click installer, which is maintained by
> EnterpriseDB. I haven't used that one; I was thinking of the community
> installer (pgInstaller), and that's the one has the logging option.
> Ray.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
> r...@iol.ie
> Galway Cathedral Recitals:http://www.galwaycathedral.org/recitals
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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The pgInstaller does more (I don't know what) such that I now get an
entry on the start menu and the Control Panel Add/Remove listing.

However, this install did not work either.  When it tried to start the
db, it couldn't and then stated that the process failed and then
started backing out files.  It did leave a log file.  When I went to
Control Panel to remove it, a window stated that it must have already
been removed and asked if I wanted to just remove it from the Control
Panel listed which I did.

After looking at the log file, I saw that it was reaching into my Local
\Internet\temp folder to get things.  So I cleaned this out and will
try to start again and if there are still problems, I will post
portions of the log.


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