In response to "dfx" <>:

> Dear Sirs,
> I would like to rent a my application to a number of customer, each with a
> dedicated database (and perhaps a dedicated username).
> The database will be installed on 'public IP' machine and will be accessed
> by internet on standard port 5432 and using ODBC driver from several clients
> (whith the client part of the procedure installed on each machine).
> My questions are:
> It is possible to configure the security policy so that the simple users
> (the customer, in this case) can only read, write, update end delete data to
> the dedicated database AND NOTHING ELSE, particularly:
> - I would like to create each database with a different (customer) username
> (only one per database, in addition to the standard user postgres)
> - The user (customer):
> ---- cannot change his own username and the password
> ---- cannot backup the database
> ---- cannot read (the text of) the stored procedures, but execute only
> ---- cannot know the 'existence' of the other databases

A lot of these aren't supported (the "existence" thing, in particular)

If you really need to prevent users from knowing about each other, you'll
probably be better off using a virtual machine infrastructure to give
each client a dedicated DB system.  FreeBSD jails are particularly
useful for this because of how lightweight they are.

Bill Moran

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