I'm trying to use Perl's DBD::Pg module to import a file as a large object. For this I'm using the following: my $oid = $dbh->func( "/absolute/path/to/file", 'lo_import' );
When I do this, a new record is added to pg_largeobject, with a proper-looking non-null loid, but the data field remains empty, and the variable $oid above gets a return value of undef, i.e. the call to func fails. No error warning is ever emitted, as far as I can tell. ($dbh->errstr returns undef.) FWIW, the file passed as the first argument is world-readable, and the full path to it is world-accessible. I've read the documentation for Perl's DBI and DBD::Pg modules, but I can't find any information that will enable me to troubleshoot/debug this further. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! TIA! Kynn